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I3JbX3n - Imgur
5.0 (1)
Deal Share P Paul1985 Updated August 06, 2020 365 0
Sale Price: $99.99 Save $30 (23% Off) List Price: $129.99 In United States at bestbuy.com Category: Smart Device
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Echo Show 8 connects to Alexa to give you rich stereo sound with vivid visuals on an 8" HD screen. Set alarms and timers, display your favorite photos, check weather and traffic as you head out, or catch up on news highlights and movie trailers. Connect with your favorite people by making hands-free video calls to the Alexa app or another Echo with a screen, use Announcements to send voice messages to every room with a supported Echo device, or use Drop In as a two-way intercom between rooms.

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aBdqyGz - Imgur
5.0 (1)
Deal Share P Paul1985 Updated July 16, 2020 466 0
Sale Price: $19.99 Save $25 (56% Off) List Price: $44.99 In United States at amazon.com Category: Smart Device
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This Smart Wi-Fi Plug allows you to control any connected devices from anywhere using Android & iOS compatible Kasa app with your smartphone. You can use Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana voice assistants to control the devices using voice commands. 
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5.0 (1)
Deal Share HM Heritier Mwalila Mbumba Updated June 14, 2020 795 0
Sale Price: R999 Save R1400 (58% Off) List Price: R2399 In South Africa at ikhokha.com Category: Smart Device
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Fast, light and durable, the Mover Pro is comfortable both in a small salon or big retail store. With Tap & Go payment acceptance you can get through that line of customers in no time. The Mover Pro works in conjunction with the iKhokha smartphone app.The iKhokha card machine is very fast and I can use it without electricity. Nice one so far. I'm loving it
3 results - showing 1 - 3