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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 08, 2021 116 0
Sale Price: $39.99 Save $40 (50% Off) List Price: $79.99 In United States at target.com Category: Headphone
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Turtle Beach Stealth 300 Amplified Gaming Headset is compatible with games like PS5 and PS4. This headset is durable, lightweight, and easily portable. Due to powerful amplified audio, It provides extra bass and premium sound, and an immersive gaming experience. The flip-up mic feature picks up voice loud and clear and makes communications clear. The 50mm drivers are used for thundering and crisp sound on each side. The earmuff material is breathable, reduces heat sweat, and is soft on the ears. The battery lasts up to 40 hours to give you long hours of playtime. Its weight is 1.2 pounds and the cord length is 3.5 feet with the 3.5mm connection type. It also comes with a 1-year limited warranty.
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