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Deal Share B Benita Updated July 28, 2021 191 0
Sale Price: $13.99 Save $3 (18% Off) List Price: $16.99 In United States at amazon.com Category: Smart Device
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Earldom's 25 Watt USB-C charger allows super-fast charging and is compatible with Samsung smartphones, google pixel phones, etc. just plug this charger into any standard wall outlet. This charger charges your phone up to 50% in just 30 minutes, at a much faster rate than any other charger. This charger is very flexible, so you can detach USB-C to USB-C cable and use the same cable to transfer files, photos, videos, etc. to your PC or Laptop. It gives high-speed sync i.e. 480Mbps data transfer and is compatible with almost all Android phones. Its weight is 0.176 pounds and the cord length is 5 feet.  
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