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Deal Share B Benita Updated December 25, 2021 108 0
Sale Price: $649.99 Save $90 (12% Off) List Price: $739.99 In United States at target.com Category: Smart TV
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VIZIO V-Series 70'' Class 4K HDR Smart TV comes with 1080P video quality. Its Full Array Backlight LEDs and the unique blend of 8 million pixels ensure great detailing and brightness. Also, it has an in-built voice assistant that can control everything on the TV with your voice commands. The TV is also equipped with in-built applications such as HBO Max, Netflix, Prime, Hulu, YouTube, etc. Control the functions of this Smart TV through its Remote or SmartCast. Its refresh rate is 60 Hz and its aspect ratio is 16:9. Its VESA mounting standard is 400 x 200.

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