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Deal Share B Benita Updated July 22, 2021 382 0
Sale Price: $18.99 Save $5 (20% Off) List Price: $23.99 In United States at walmart.com Category: Headphone
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YILIBX VR Headset 3D Glasses comes with a Remote and is compatible with Android, IOS (iPhone), etc. These 3D glasses are made from ABS and spherical resin lens materials. It does not stimulate any plastic sheet, so these glasses are environmentally friendly and fully enclosed. The head-girth is very adjustable and is suitable for a 4.5 to 6 inches mobile phone display. Also, it has secret images that disable everyone else to see anything, so only you can see through the glasses. As it is easy and convenient to use, you can use them while sitting, lying, and standing, also it gives 3D pictures. Thanks to its resin lens, the user does not feel fatigued or dizzy and it doesn't harm the eyes. 

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