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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 11, 2021 155 0
Sale Price: $45 Save $4.99 (10% Off) List Price: $49.99 In United States at amazon.com Category: Smartphone
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16 GB storage and is a 2GB RAM
5'' display
processor model is Quad-core
1.1GHz processor speed
ZTE VZW-Z839PP Blade vantage 5 prepaid LTE Verizon smartphone has 16 GB storage and is a 2GB RAM. This phone is compatible to talk, data plans, text messages, etc. The display size of this phone is 5 inches that are perfect for browsing, watching videos, and captures stunning photos and videos. Its rare camera has 8MP that clicks amazing photos. This smartphone operates on 4G LTE networks and comes with a 2,500 mAh Li-Ion removable battery. Its processor model is Quad-core with a 1.1GHz processor speed. Its weight is 5.3 ounces and its overall dimensions are 6 x 0.5x 3 inches.  
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