Cell Phone Service
February 20, 2020
837 0 0 0
Service Information
Service Provider
Service provider that you reviewed or used with your device.
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Telecom Services
January 13, 2020
1531 0 0 0
Service Information
Service Type
Select appropriate service type from the list. You can select more than one service type.
Service Provider
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Service Package/Plan
Enter the package or plan of the service provider that you have used and want to review. Type for suggestions if the service plan you want to review was already added by someone, which you can select and review for your location.
To add a new service plan, type the plan details in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected option will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Cleartalking Q&A
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
near juma masjid palazhy road
Cell Phone Service
January 04, 2020
537 0 0 0
Service Information
Service Provider
Service provider that you reviewed or used with your device.
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Bus stand
Cell Phone Service
December 23, 2019
449 0 0 0
Service Information
Service Provider
Service provider that you reviewed or used with your device.
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Telecom Devices
December 22, 2019
920 0 4 0
I use it most oftenly. I use it for playing games, calling, texting, watching movies and listenin to music.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Nirmala Public School
Telecom Devices
January 04, 2020
787 0 0 0
I am a very heavy phone user .i play a lot of games do most of my collage work on my phone as i dont have a laptop yet so the big battery and the faster processor helps a ton .it also has fast charging support which comes in very handy.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
LuLu Mall
Cell Phone Service
sujana k s
October 04, 2019
473 0 0 0
Service Information
Service Provider
Service provider that you reviewed or used with your device.
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Near viyyur jail
Telecom Devices
August 21, 2022
834 0 2 0
As I am a student, I carry this whole time when I go to college. It helps me for my academic activities. I carry it when I am travelling, it allows me to take pictures. I use this to watch movies, listen to music and I carry it with me almost every time
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Nirmala college
Telecom Devices
October 02, 2019
646 0 0 0
I am using this device for all my activities. I carry it with me always since it is essential for me. I am a student and I use this for my academic purposes. I watch movies, listen to music and many other entertainments.I carry it with me whenever I go out for a picnic for capturing images and good moments. It is like my companion. Without it I cant spent a day.Even I carry this when I am going to college.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Nirmala Public School
Telecom Services
sujana k s
June 28, 2020
613 0 0 0
Service Information
Service Type
Select appropriate service type from the list. You can select more than one service type.
Service Provider
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Service Package/Plan
Enter the package or plan of the service provider that you have used and want to review. Type for suggestions if the service plan you want to review was already added by someone, which you can select and review for your location.
To add a new service plan, type the plan details in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected option will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Cleartalking Q&A
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Telecom Services
September 19, 2019
569 0 0 0
Service Information
Service Type
Select appropriate service type from the list. You can select more than one service type.
Service Provider
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Service Package/Plan
Enter the package or plan of the service provider that you have used and want to review. Type for suggestions if the service plan you want to review was already added by someone, which you can select and review for your location.
To add a new service plan, type the plan details in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected option will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
199/ 28 days
Service Provider/Plan Link
Enter the URL of the service provider web site or to the web page of the service plan starting with http.
Cleartalking Q&A
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Telecom Services
sujana k s
September 14, 2019
625 0 0 0
Service Information
Service Type
Select appropriate service type from the list. You can select more than one service type.
Service Provider
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Service Package/Plan
Enter the package or plan of the service provider that you have used and want to review. Type for suggestions if the service plan you want to review was already added by someone, which you can select and review for your location.
To add a new service plan, type the plan details in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected option will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
1 GB/day for 28 days with Unlimited calling and 100SMS/day +Roaming free @149/-
Cleartalking Q&A
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Near F C I
Telecom Devices
August 06, 2019
634 0 2 0
The phone is for casual uses
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Telecom Devices
September 01, 2019
538 0 0 0
i mainly use it to play pugb and various other online games.
i also use it for youtube,streaming and taking videos.its camera is good.
i also use it for youtube,streaming and taking videos.its camera is good.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Telecom Devices
July 29, 2019
683 0 7 0
This is my first Android phone and I'm mainly using it for internet related activities. I'm mainly using WiFi for internet access. I use Chrome for browsing. I also use social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp. I enjoy watching videos online using YouTube. Also, I use Google News and Gmail daily. During rest time, I use Google Play Music for playing music stored on the file system. Voice calling and SMS is casual. I play small games like Temple Run and Subway Surfers occasionally. During social media use I regularly take photos, especially selfies using phone for posting. File sharing with friends' phones is regular and I use Xender for that.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
St. Thomas Church
Telecom Devices
August 06, 2019
594 0 0 0
I used it mainly to access internet.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
St. Sebastian Church
Cell Phone Service
Geeves Koshy
July 31, 2019
460 0 0 0
Service Information
Service Provider
Service provider that you reviewed or used with your device.
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Telecom Devices
July 20, 2019
622 0 5 0
Using social media
Watching movie and music
Usefull as a remote
Using social media
Watching movie and music
Usefull as a remote
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Opposite sib bank
Telecom Devices
Arjun Menon
August 24, 2022
1300 0 8 0
I use the phone regularly for calling, social apps (whatsapp) and browsing web. Watch videos and play games 3 days a week. Camera is really good especially front camera which makes the selfies awesome.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
Public Library
Telecom Devices
August 31, 2019
564 0 3 0
My regular uses with the phone are making calls, text messages, social media browsing, google search (informations/news) and official purpose (Apps which require to take photos, get details, upload documents after cam scan etc.). As the initially said uses are the generic common uses I dont see any point in explaining much on those topics. Also as I am not a fan of mobile games, I dont have much review on performance of phone based on trending games which explores the processor and ram of the phone. But I have my friends who in full swing take the advantage of Octa Core Max 2.0 GHz processor and 4 GB ram. As per their review performance is awesome except the heating up of phone.
For me, I use my phone mainly for official purposes which really makes my life easy.I am Insurance Surveyor and let me put down point wise the usage of my phone,
1. Daily 40-50 photos I need to take, which I get with crystal clarity and thanks to service provider, it gets uploaded to the app within seconds. My phone never got hanged.
2. Need to scan original documents and upload in apps for verification which again happens in seconds.
3. Bigger display size and accurate screen response eases the form filling and selection of data while the preparation of reports.
4.My wireless printer is compatible with my phone and that makes a lot difference for me
High quality display gives complete entertainment either in watching movies, browsing through hotstar app, youtube videos etc. Sound quality also remarkable.
For me, I use my phone mainly for official purposes which really makes my life easy.I am Insurance Surveyor and let me put down point wise the usage of my phone,
1. Daily 40-50 photos I need to take, which I get with crystal clarity and thanks to service provider, it gets uploaded to the app within seconds. My phone never got hanged.
2. Need to scan original documents and upload in apps for verification which again happens in seconds.
3. Bigger display size and accurate screen response eases the form filling and selection of data while the preparation of reports.
4.My wireless printer is compatible with my phone and that makes a lot difference for me
High quality display gives complete entertainment either in watching movies, browsing through hotstar app, youtube videos etc. Sound quality also remarkable.
Location (Service or Device used)
Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone.
To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
MG University, Athirampuzha