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- How to track how much megabytes you spent while surfing net?
How to track how much megabytes you spent while surfing net?
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How to track how much megabytes you spent while surfing net?
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1. Go to settings.
2. Now,go to the "Using data".
And now you are in the setup menu for data consumption.
Clicking on the "Data Saver" command prevents some applications from sending or receiving data in the background.
The application you are currently using can access data, but it will do less. For example, the image will not show until you touch them, etc.
Clicking on the "Consumption of Data for Mobile Devices" screen shows you the data consumption graph and sequence of applications in the highest order of data
Network restriction options are treated as mobile networks when there is an organization for background information. Apps may warn you when you plan to use these major downloads.
2. Now,go to the "Using data".
And now you are in the setup menu for data consumption.
Clicking on the "Data Saver" command prevents some applications from sending or receiving data in the background.
The application you are currently using can access data, but it will do less. For example, the image will not show until you touch them, etc.
Clicking on the "Consumption of Data for Mobile Devices" screen shows you the data consumption graph and sequence of applications in the highest order of data
Network restriction options are treated as mobile networks when there is an organization for background information. Apps may warn you when you plan to use these major downloads.
This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | All Android Android Phones | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.
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