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- Iphone 5s Still Rocks
Iphone 5s Still Rocks
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Iphone 5s Still Rocks
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I have been using my iphone 5s for more than 4 years and it still works great. I only had to change my battery (i had to do it myself) and apart from that i got no problem. Changing battery is the pain in the ass but you have to do it for once in 4 years! Also the best thing is i heard that its getting ios 12 too! Its 2018 and i have still most updated IOS version on my 4 years old phone. In my opinion IOS is the best operating system for smart phones because it is very stable and simple. I know there are a lot of people are saying Apple makes their products slower in time but to be honest i never experienced slow down issue. The only problem was battery and i solved it by getting another one. To sum up if you are looking for durable phone which you can use for many years i would suggest you to get an iphone. I think iphone SE would be a great choice. Iphone 5s is living its last days but SE however will be in the game for a very long time. By the way its not that expensive too.
This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 11.4.1 iphone 5s | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.
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