Tips & Tricks
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in Smartphones by aaron-eddie

4 Answers

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Please read the following for our best battery saving tips to make your battery last longer
1. Use a dark colored background
If your phone has an AMOLED screen (like most Samsungs), use a dark colored background, because AMOLED screens only illuminate the colored pixels. Black pixels are unlit, so the more black pixels you have, or the more darker pixels, the less battery you need to light them up.
2. Make apps darker too
Using darker app backgrounds/themes and darker launcher themes will further prolong your battery life (if your device has an AMOLED screen).
3. Get rid of auto-brightness
Don't use display auto-brightness. It may sound good, but auto-brightness is usually way brighter than you really need. It's much better to manually set a super low brightness level that is still comfortable, and then just bump it up when necessary. This is one of the main ways to improve your battery life as the screen is one of the biggest battery suckers.
4. Vibrate away!
Switch off vibrate. Unless you really need that added awareness, turn off vibration. It actually takes more power to vibrate your phone than it does to ring it. Turn off haptic feedback too. Sure it feels cool, but it doesn't really add anything to your experience, and it's another battery drainer.
5. Don't use a knockoff
Only use original batteries or respected third party manufacturer batteries. Saving a few bucks on a battery that might damage your beloved smartphone is a poor choice indeed, and may also deliver sub-standard battery performance.
8. Your phone doesn't have to be smart all the time
Turn off smart features like air gestures, smart scrolling and the like, especially if you have a Samsung. Unless you really use these features every day, they're just using battery power for a feature you don't use.
9. Nor do you need to be connected 24/7
Turn off GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, Wi-Fi and mobile data whenever you don't need them. Turning off location data, or setting it to use Wi-Fi or 3G data rather than GPS works perfectly well. Only turn on Bluetooth and NFC as long as you need them, and there's no need to have both Wi-Fi and mobile data turned on at all times. If you use Wi-Fi a lot though, say at home and at work, then it makes sense to keep set your Wi-Fi to ''Always on during sleep'' as this uses less power than to have your Wi-Fi reconnecting every time you wake your phone.
10. Try out Dynamic Notifications
Use lock screen widgets or notifications if your ROM supports them, or install an app that does it for you like Dynamic Notifications. You'll be able to get basically all your content without having to unlock your phone fully and navigating around. You still need to light your screen up, but you'll have it on for much less time than normal. If you have an AMOLED screen device, using a lock screen notification app with a black background can save your battery life significantly.
by thuangiang
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1.See what's sucking the most juice.
2. Reduce email, Twitter, and Facebook polling
3. Turn unnecessary hardware radios off
4. Use the extra power saving mode if you have it
5. Trim apps running in the background
6. Dump unnecessary home screen widgets and live wallpaper
7. Turn down the brightness and turn off Automatic Brightness
8. Update your apps
9. Keep an eye on signal strength.
10. Check the reviews.
11. Buy a battery case or larger extended battery.
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The most important is to stop background running apps
by cyber-teacher
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To save battery of android phone keep your wifi and bluetooth switch off when not in use. Keep screen brightness at low level and try to use one app at a time.
by kapil_roxx
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You can save the battery life by uninstalling unncessary apps.
by abin29

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