Samsung galaxy J7 ultra battery saving mode

D Updated
2Select Device maintence
3Turn it one.
1Go to home screen and tap on apps.
4.Select ultra saving mode
5Allow terms and conditions
Samsung galaxy J7 ultra battery saving mode
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If you are using a samsung Galaxy J7 smart phone this would be a great tip for you.
This is  a great solution for your quick battery draining problem.
All you need to do is follow below steps.

1.Go to home screen and tap on apps.
2.Select Device maintence
3.Select ultra saving mode
4.Turn it one.
5.Allow terms and conditions
6. Then adjust the percentage of the battery automatically enabled by Power Saving Mode.

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | Android 5.0 Samsung Galaxy J7 | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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