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Telecom Consumer Discussion Forums


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Cell Phones
Discuss anything about cell phones

Discuss anything about cell phones

Discuss everything about smartphones such as iPhone, Galaxy, etc.. here
Topics 576
Posts 2470
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Cell phone service providers
Share information about your cell phone service provider
Topics 213
Posts 692
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Cell phone International Travel / Roaming
Share information on using your cell phones for international travel, or roaming
Topics 25
Posts 109
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International - Long Distance
Discuss about long distance services and equipment used for calling

Discuss about long distance services and equipment used for calling

Service Providers
Post any information or questions related to international and long distance calling service providers. Share your experience with a VoIP service provider, or review the services. Posting information on the steps you have taken to reduce the long distance, international calling bills will help other members.
Topics 31
Posts 159
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Media Share
Share the photos and videos taken from smart phones,that will help others to know the quality of media files that smart phones can produce.

Share the photos and videos taken from smart phones,that will help others to know the quality of media files that smart phones can produce.

Photos taken with Smart Phones
Share the photos taken from smart phones.
Topics 39
Posts 177
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Videos taken with Smart Phones
Share the videos taken from smart phones.
Topics 8
Posts 47
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Group to discuss about internet service providers, technology, equipments used for internet connection, and social networking
Internet Service Providers
Discuss anything about any internet service providers. Share your experience with your service provider, or post a question if you are looking to change or need more information about a service providers. Also it will be helpful for members if you let everyone know about the deal that you have heard about a broadband/high speed internet service.
Topics 79
Posts 306
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Messenger / Chat Programs
Share the information about the chat / Messenger programs, web sites, smart phone chat applications that you have used, or experienced with. This will be helpful for someone such as students, or travelers to know about the specific programs that can be used from specific countries for effective and economical communication. Few widely used popular programs are Skype, Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook Chat, etc...
Topics 24
Posts 239
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Telecom Services - Traveler Choices and Options

It will be helpful to make a choice for others, by hearing about the services used by someone travel to a specific country. Usually you would need contract free cell phone, internet and other telecom services for business or personal purpose, but there is always confusion in selecting the economical and right choice for your need. Please share your experience with picking telecom services while travel, in the specific country forum below.
Topics 230
Posts 289
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Topics 277
Posts 780
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Topics 72
Posts 135
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Topics 23
Posts 71
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Sub-Forums Australia Australia (7) Fiji Fiji (0) Kiribati Kiribati (0) Marshall_Islands Marshall Islands (0) Micronesia Micronesia (0) Nauru Nauru (0) New_Zealand New Zealand (16) Palau Palau (0) Papua_New_Guinea Papua New Guinea (0) Samoa Samoa (0) Soloman_Islands Solomon Islands (0) Tonga Tonga (0) Tuvalu Tuvalu (0) Vanuatu Vanuatu (0)
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Sub-Forums Argentina Argentina (1) Bolivia Bolivia (0) Brazil Brazil (0) Chile Chile (0) Colombia Colombia (0) Ecuador Ecuador (0) Guyana Guyana (1) Paraguay Paraguay (0) Peru Peru (0) Suriname Suriname (0) Uruguay Uruguay (0) Venezuela Venezuela (1)
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Telecom - Business Services
Audio / Video Conference Call Services
Provide feedback or share your experience with any of the conference call services that you would have used for your business. Businesses use phone conferencing to engage employees at different locations to discuss on day to day activities, or business plans over the phone. The functionalities offered by a conference service provider will be based on the pricing plan that you sign up with. Generally with any conferencing service you can monitor the active participants, callers who are currently talking, muted or left the call. In addition to this, you can also sign up for web conferencing, with which you can share documents and presentations with all the participants joined the conference.
Topics 4
Posts 23
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PBX Phone Service
Here is the forum to share, or get information on any business PBX service around the world.
Topics 5
Posts 6
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Internet Fax Service and Accessories
Now businesses and individuals are mostly using online fax services for their faxing need. Post questions, suggestions, feedback about internet fax services, fax machines or accessories used for faxing.
Topics 7
Posts 16
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Messenger / Chat Programs
Service Providers
Service Providers
Photos taken with Smart Phones
Internet Service Providers
Videos taken with Smart Phones
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