Tips & Tricks
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in Facebook by nazish-azam
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With up coming events on Facebook you should use animation, colours and good designs. Go to online forums on getting ideas from other  people how they promote their events and see if on their facebook their ideas work. Also ask question what works; and what does not work, by asking family and friends on Facebook and in person too. The more you ask; the more you will learn how to show interest for others facebook and your facebook. To make your interest stand out and to help others, share ideas for upcoming event.

Presentation is everything when looking at upcoming event on Facebook, why it will benefit the the person and what they will get out of it? Also how much will it cost and how they can apply is event to their lives. Make it simple, look to put words  on the facebook that will keep the person reading.

Point out you will make you friends learn something you did not know before; how this event will change how we see life and to be more creative on ones own facebook. The aim should be to give back to society and to make people happy and to belong and that they can make difference in their community for good through facebook in upcoming events.

List the events that are taking place and put details, people like details regarding the events and what will be involved in the upcoming events.

Have prizes and give ways and guest speakers, also there will surprises, and after functions with food and drinks, this the people will like!. If there is a cost is it all inclusive. Also how long the function will go for, is it one day or several days.

When in the future on your Facebook there will be more events and what they will be and always have surprises at your events, which will make people come back, not knowing what will be at event as a surprise. Also make shore everyone is happy and get feedback from the event what people like and what they want to see or what you should add in the future to keep people come back to the events. Create poster on your face book and for the events, they have to look good and with colours, that catches the eye. Have good organization for the event people like when the event is organized well this will keep everyone happy.

1 Answer

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You can see different events nearby you and you can show your interest to help the admin of that page so that they may know how many people are interested in this event.

1- Just go to the event page.

2- At the top bar, you can see different options. 

3- Click on "Interested" button which has a Star icon on it.

4- This will automatically be shown to the friends of your facebook so they can also see that event and show their interest in it.

by nazish-azam

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