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Telecom Tips F fernandos Updated November 11, 2018 572 0 4 0
Your favorite websites into your home screen
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1. Open a website with any web browser 
2. Scroll a little bit up and down until the share mark of you iphone appears
3. See on the share options ”add to home screen”, (you’ll see a plus sign) swipe right if you can’t see it immediatelly
Congratulations, now you have your favorite website on your phone like an ios app!

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12.1 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips O obrejaroxana Updated November 06, 2018 588 0 0 0
Best selfie accessory for iPhone
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Forget about the selfie stick and about struggling with trying to keep your arm away from the pic. Have you ever tried to take a selfie with the aid of your headphones? No? How come? It's the easiest way to snap one.
Do you know that button/small remote on the wire of our headphones? Have you ever thought that it functions as a "Snap!!" button? If not, try it now and thank me later. Sit relaxed on the couch, get your pretty face and enjoy! 

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 11 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips C ctech Updated September 27, 2018 538 0 2 0
Shortcut to get to the top of the web page in iPhone
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When accessing a long web page usually you scrolled down to view all the content. If you want to go back to the top of the page either from midway or bottom of the page, you don't need to scroll up manually. 

There is a shortcut to take you to the top with single Tap. You just have to tap on the grey area in the status bar (above safari's address bar) at the top of the screen to take you to the top of the page immediately.

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 12.1 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips C ctech Updated September 25, 2018 535 0 2 0
Search a text or word on a website in iPhone safari
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Once opening a website in safari, tap the URL displayed in the address bar of safari at the top of the window and clear the URL. In the empty address bar, type the search query. 

Once the query or the search word/phrase typed, there is an option at the bottom of the page saying 'On this page' shows the number of match found. Tap the 'Find' below this to highlight all the matching text in the page.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips W wokeupwithashli@gmail.com Updated September 13, 2018 520 0 0 0
How To Keep Your Storage Space Free in iPhone
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In order to make sure you have enough space on your phone storage to keep taking pictures at leisure, follow these steps:
1. Delete any pictures that you do not want.
2. Go to albums on your phone.
3. Scroll down to recently deleted.
4. Choose 'select' and then 'select all' and hit delete all at the bottomof the screen.
NOTE: This permanently deletes these pictures from your phone,
Do this weekly to keep the storage on your phone free and ready to store the pictures you take.

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 11 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips E emmalouise Updated September 10, 2018 443 0 3 0
Stop your commonly used text being falsely autocorrected
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Do you often get falsely and frustratingly autocorrected when typing/texting on your iPhone? 
There’s a quick and easy solution!
Thinking of the words you commonly type on your phone; whether it be an address, name, or even a naughty word .. it can be “ducking” annoying when you’re constantly autocorrected to the wrong words! When you’ve thought of some words you’d like to add to your iPhone’s dictionary, follow the following steps:
Step 1: Settings
Step 2: General
Step 3: Keyboard
Step 4: Text Replacement
Step 5: Plus button (top right corner)
Step 6: insert your word or phrase
Step 7 (optional): Add a shortcut to automatically expand into the word or phrase inserted in step 6. E.g. when typing my shortcut “em” it automatically expands into “Emma”

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 11.4 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips I ikorkmazzz Updated September 07, 2018 614 0 1 0
Making Basic calculator to scientific one in iphone
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Many iphone 7 or similar models users don't know that they can make scientific calculations in the iphone.  you may be an engineer or a science student who needs an calculation, for example, making exponential, trigonometric, logaritmic calculations or taking a degree root of a certain number. You can use iphone's calculator  to do these calculations.
Thus, you have learn the procedure to do these calculations. Firstly, you have to open the calculator application in the phone. After that , rotate the phone into a horizontal position instead of a vertical position, then you will see that basic calculators turns into a scientific one. This transformation occurs automatically as long as your device works properly. If the screen of your phone does not rotate, your phone is likely to have a problem. ıf it works as expected, you can make scientific calculation for your homeworks or projects usefully.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 11.4.1 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips F fayaz.m@outlook.com Updated September 12, 2018 527 0 0 0
How to delete in calculator - keyboard tricks
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Hi everyone

Have you ever encountered with the problem of deleting a digit or more in the calculator and ended up doing the calculation again from the scratch??? Here's a good news for everyone who have this problem. Simple swipe on the digit to your left to delete it. If you wanted to delete two digits then swipe it to your left twice and accordingly. Hope this helps and give your feedback

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 11.4.1 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips C ctech Updated September 06, 2018 561 0 3 0
Updated Stocks App in iOS 12 with enhanced features
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In iOS 12, new spark line chart is added after the symbol that shows the price movement throughout the day. Now you can view the news stories for a stock without leaving the App. By touching a stock symbol opens up a scrollable screen showing the detailed chart with key information followed by the recent news about the stock.

Main screen of the app includes top stories that will feature business news and the full article can be viewed without leaving the Stocks app. Stocks app in iOS 12 also includes after-hours stock price once the market closed.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips M marlondean Updated September 18, 2018 525 0 0 0
iOS- One-handed keyboard
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If you're using iOS 11 or a later version, you can use a keyboard that is designed for use with only one hand (either left or right). So realistically you'll only be using the thumb of your selected hand. 
You can change the settings as follows: Go to Settings>General>Keyboards>One-Handed Keyboard> Select either Left or Right.

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 11.4 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips B Bellaam Updated September 04, 2018 483 0 0 0
Is your iPhone too big?
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Have you ever been using your phone with one hand and can't reach the top of your screen? Then you have to drop what you're doing with your other hand and use both hands to type or do whatever you were doing before? I have a little tip that will simply your life. It is very simple and you would be so angry at yourself that you didn't figure this out by yourself! 
All you need for this tip is: 
  • - any iOS device (preferably an iPhone7 or any newer addition)
  • - your hand
So what you're going to do is not press, but gently tap on your home button twice. If many pages pop up on your screen it means you pressed too hard. Once you've tapped gently, your screen will come all the way down and you can touch the top of your screen without having to move your hand all the way there. This is perfect if you're a busy woman multitasking and can only use one hand at that moment!

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 11.4 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips S sarahderough Updated September 03, 2018 504 0 1 0
How to enable a trackpad/mouse on iPhone keyboard
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First, make sure that 3D Touch is enabled on your iPhone. Pull up your iPhone keyboard and then 3D Touch anywhere on the keyboard. Do not remove your finger from the keyboard. This should turn your keyboard into a trackpad/mouse and you can move your finger to where you want your cursor to move. This makes it easy to edit/add to long texts that you have written.

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips R redrum Updated August 31, 2018 467 0 0 0
Auto Brightness in iPhone
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 Where is the Auto-Brightness toggle? One assumes its under Settings > Display & Brightness, but you would be wrong! To toggle auto-brightness on, you must go into Settings > General > Accessibility > Display Accommodations, and here you can toggle Auto-Brightness on and off. 

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips A AaronLev15 Updated August 31, 2018 491 0 0 0
Clearing cookies in iOS for cheaper travel
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When it comes to the word cookies, you probably think of the good afternoon snack; however, there are more important cookies that may be costing you thousands when it comes to booking travel. Now, it only takes a few clicks, and if the trick is executed properly and often, your bank account may be thanking you! You may be thinking, what are these cookies you're speaking of anyway? Well, online cookies are practically online robots whose job it is to spy on your browsing history, and if you find yourself looking at different flights, hotels, and rental car options often, these will make the price of each need every time you search them. To remove these tedious treats, you will want to open the settings app, select Safari from the side bar, then select the option clear history and website data. That's It!!!

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 11.4.1 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips C ctech Updated August 28, 2018 539 0 2 0
Improved QR Code reader with iOS 12
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QR Code reader app in iOS 12 will automatically detect a QR code and display the information. Now you can also add the shortcut of QR code reader to Control Center for easier access. After adding shortcut, you just have to bring control center by swiping up from any screen and tap the shortcut for QR Code reader.

To add the shortcut, go to Settings > Control Center > Customize Controls and scroll down to tap + to the left of Scan QR Code. Now the shortcut should have been added in the Control Center.

If you don’t want the camera to detect any QR code automatically, then you can turn this off at Settings > Camera > Scan QR Codes.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips C ctech Updated August 28, 2018 545 0 2 0
Additional setting to manage Voice Memos in iOS 12
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With iOS 12 you have an option to enable deletion of voice memos permanently after a specific number of days. You can also choose a recording option between Compressed and Uncompressed and save the recorded voice memo by location name automatically.

To manage these settings go to Settings > Voice Memos and refer the section ‘Voice Memos Settings’.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips C ctech Updated August 28, 2018 492 0 2 0
Schedule Bedtime to activate Do Not Disturb in iOS 12
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In addition to manually enabling Do Not Disturb, with iOS 2 you can schedule the time that you would want the phone to be in Do Not Disturb mode. You can also make this schedule as Bedtime to silence all notifications and dim the lock screen during that time. There are additional settings to further tweak the calls that can be allowed when the phone is in Do Not Disturb mode.

Go to Settings > Do Not Disturb to schedule and turn on the Bedtime.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips C ctech Updated August 26, 2018 508 0 7 0
Perform quick actions with Siri Shortcuts in iOS 12
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In iOS 12 you can perform quick actions by assigning Siri Shortcuts. Since this feature is still in beta, currently you can assign Shortcuts only to the Siri recommended actions. As of now, you can create Shortcuts for Shri recommended actions by recording custom voice commands. To create a Siri Shortcut, go to Settings > Siri & Search and tap All Shortcuts.

In the next screen, choose any of the activity that Siri recommends and tap + next to the activity to record the voice command. Once the voice command is recorded by tapping the red record button at the bottom, save the Shortcut by pressing Done. You can view all the Shortcuts created under Settings > Siri & Search > My Shortcuts.  Now you can perform the action that you created as Shortcut by using the voice command after opening Siri.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips C ctech Updated August 23, 2018 551 0 10 0
With iOS12 decorate your photos using Camera App from iMessage
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Opening the camera App from iMessage in iOS 12 will let you add stickers, text, shapes, Animoji and Memoji to your photos. Go to an iMessage thread or New Message screen and tap the camera App. Once the camera App opens, tap the star icon in the lower left corner to bring up the options available to add to your photo. By tapping a particular option will show the choices to pick and add to the photo.

Once you added your choice, close the choices screen by tapping on the 'X' then the camera shutter button will be visible to take the picture with the decors added. After taking the photo, you can embed that into the iMessage by clicking the blue arrow.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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Telecom Tips C ctech Updated August 19, 2018 522 0 3 0
New options to manage notifications in iOS 12
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iOS 12 introduced additional options for notification delivery and grouping. In the lock screen, swiping any of the notifications to the left and tapping manage will bring up two options: Deliver Quietly and Turn Off.

If you select Deliver Quietly, then the notifications from that particular app will only show up in the Notification Center, but not in lock screen. Selecting Turning off will stop the notifications for that app completely.

Selecting Manage after swiping a notification to the lock screen also allow you to tap Settings and go to the Notification settings screen. At the bottom you can choose the way the notifications to be grouped. Notifications can be grouped by App, or leave the Automatic option for default grouping.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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