4 results - showing 1 - 4
Telecom Tips
Meric Cavit
August 31, 2019
1078 0 1 0
track your mobile usage and integrate with desktop usage
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Nowadays personal analytics is a growing sector with an increasing potential for both people and companies.
With iOS 11 update, iphone and ipad devices got a useful feature to keep track of your app usage and see how much time youspend with which application.
However, if you are using several other devices like android mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers, you can't track all those data.
There are apps to see all your web/app usage in a single account like Rescuetime app.
It has several useful features in free version. For personal purposes it gives a satisfactory experience among other paid alternatives.
You can set goals, label websites/apps as productive or distracting and see your daily/weekly analytics
If your time is valuable and you want to see which apps take how much of your time, you can give it a try and see all of your ios/android/desktop usage in one place.
With iOS 11 update, iphone and ipad devices got a useful feature to keep track of your app usage and see how much time youspend with which application.
However, if you are using several other devices like android mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers, you can't track all those data.
There are apps to see all your web/app usage in a single account like Rescuetime app.
It has several useful features in free version. For personal purposes it gives a satisfactory experience among other paid alternatives.
You can set goals, label websites/apps as productive or distracting and see your daily/weekly analytics
If your time is valuable and you want to see which apps take how much of your time, you can give it a try and see all of your ios/android/desktop usage in one place.
This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 11 iPhones | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.
If you would have used this tip please enter your comments using the comments button below. You can also Share a Telecom related Tip or Trick that you know.
Telecom Tips
September 29, 2018
561 0 1 0
iPhone disconnects from WiFi for no reason?
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Does your iPhone disconnect from WiFi for no apparent reason? Well I have the same problem. Here are a few tricks I used to get it back on:
1. Go to WiFi in Settings. Turn WiFi off and back on. Repeat 5 times or until it comes on. If it does not connect after 5 tries then move to step two.
2. Put phone on airplane mode and then turn airplane mode off. Turn WiFi back on. If still not connecting move to step three.
3. Reset phone. Hold power button and home button for 5 seconds and wait for phone to restart. WiFi should be able to connect now.
1. Go to WiFi in Settings. Turn WiFi off and back on. Repeat 5 times or until it comes on. If it does not connect after 5 tries then move to step two.
2. Put phone on airplane mode and then turn airplane mode off. Turn WiFi back on. If still not connecting move to step three.
3. Reset phone. Hold power button and home button for 5 seconds and wait for phone to restart. WiFi should be able to connect now.
This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhones | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.
If you would have used this tip please enter your comments using the comments button below. You can also Share a Telecom related Tip or Trick that you know.
Telecom Tips
Zeeshan Ali
September 16, 2018
456 0 0 0
Turn to the dark side If iOS 11
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There are many people who like to screen in black color in IOS 11. If iOS 11 is too white for you, it’s easy to make it darker: go into (deep breath…) Settings > General > Accessibility > Display Accommodations > Invert Colors and switch on Smart Invert.
Unlike a normal invert, which reverses the colors of everything on screen, Smart Invert doesn’t mess with images and other media: it’s effectively a Dark Mode for iOS.
Unlike a normal invert, which reverses the colors of everything on screen, Smart Invert doesn’t mess with images and other media: it’s effectively a Dark Mode for iOS.
This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 11 iPhones | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.
If you would have used this tip please enter your comments using the comments button below. You can also Share a Telecom related Tip or Trick that you know.
Telecom Tips
Suvin Rathnayake
September 10, 2018
596 0 2 0
Free Download Songs in IOS
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First you have to download Aloah Browser using App Store. Now open it and go to link of the song you want to download and download it. It will save to File Manager in Aloah browser. Now go again to app store and download Musicloud Player. Then select the song you download from the file manager in aloah browser and Open it in Musiclouds.
Now you can download and play any song you want.
Now you can download and play any song you want.
This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | Ios 10.3.3 iPhones | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.
If you would have used this tip please enter your comments using the comments button below. You can also Share a Telecom related Tip or Trick that you know.
4 results - showing 1 - 4