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- Use High Quality Videos In Samsung Galaxy S8+
Use High Quality Videos In Samsung Galaxy S8+
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Use High Quality Videos In Samsung Galaxy S8+
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Samsung Galaxies has upgraded their video quality to make it secure for future.
Recording future proof video would definitely require more space but it worth it.
Samsung Galaxy S8+ can manage 4K UHD video recording, so you can choose either option for improved sharpness and smooth video.
Recording future proof video would definitely require more space but it worth it.
Samsung Galaxy S8+ can manage 4K UHD video recording, so you can choose either option for improved sharpness and smooth video.
For enabling high quality future proof video, you have to head into the camera app and then click on the right element to select the quality of video been recording.
Go to Settings in the camera App, the under the rear camera tap on video size and here you will be able to change it. By default you will have 1080P at 30fps but here you will see if you head on to UHD you will get 4K recording.
For smooth video then select 60fps 1080p, that wouldn’t much clear but smooth to watch.
For smooth video then select 60fps 1080p, that wouldn’t much clear but smooth to watch.
This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | Android 7 Nougat Samsung Galaxy S8+ | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.
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